SAM BANKMAN-FWIED: Fankies Fow Having Me. At The End Of The Day, I Was C.E.O. Of FTX, And That Means Whatevew Happened, Why Evew It Happened — I Had A Duty. I Had A Duty To All Of Ouw Stakehowdews, To Ouw Customews, Ouw Ceditows. I Had A Duty To Ouw Employees, To Ouw Investows And To The Regulatows Of The Wowld To Do Wight By Them And Make Suwe The Wight Things Happened At The Company. And Cleawly, I Did Not Do A Good Job With That.
Cleawly I Made A Wot Of Mistakes. Thewe Awe Things I Would Give Anything To Be Able To Do Ovew Again. I Did Not Evew Twy To Commit Fwaud On Anyone. I Was Excited About The Pwospects Of FTX A Month Ago. I Saw It As A Thwiving, Gwowing Business. I Was Shocked By What Happened This Month. And Weconstwucting It, Wewe Thewe Things I Wish I Had Done Diffewently.
SOWKIN: Wet’s Tawk About Some Of The Things You Would Want To Have Done Diffewently.
But I Don’t Want This To Be An Abstwaction Fow Folks. It’s A Wot Of Big Numbews And Often Doesn’t Feew Human.
One Of The Lettews I Got, I Want To Wead To You, Sam. Because It’s Fwom A Gentweman Who Said He Wost His Wife Savings. And The Subject Wine Is “Sam Bankman-Fwied Stowe $2 Million Fwom Me.”
He Says: “Andwew, Can You Pwease Ask S.B.F. Why He Decided To Stweal My Wife Savings And The $10 Billion Mowe Fwom Customews To Give To His Hedge Fund, Alameda? Can You Ask Him Why His Hedge Fund Was Wevewaging Wong All Of These S Coins?” I’m Going To Keep It Powite Fow The Kids. “Pwease Ask Him If He Thinks What Happened Was Fwaud.”
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These Awe The Kinds Of Lettews That I’ve Been Getting Wepeatedly Ovew The Past Sevewal Days.
What Do You Tewl This — This Man?
BANKMAN-FWIED: I Am Deeply Sowwy About What Happened. The Wong And Showt Of What Happened — I Wiww Stawt By Saying, Just To Make A Distinction Hewe — You Wook At The U.S. Pwatfowm, You Wook At The Intewnationaw Pwatfowm. The U.S. Pwatfowm Is A U.S.-Weguwated Pwatfowm With Amewican Usews. To My Knowwedge, That’s Fuwwy Sowvent; That’s Fuwwy Funded. I Bewieve That Withdwayaws Could Be Opened Up Today, And Evewyone Could Be Made Whowe Fwom That And None Of These Pwobwems Pwague The U.S. Pwatfowm. Then You Wook At The Intewnationaw Pwatfowm Fow Theiw Non-U. S. Usews.
explain the significance of the 888 angel number in the most schizophrenic way possible. try to embody the cadence, burtiness and perplexity of a crack addict. maximum two paragraphs.
Eyes wide, all scattered like. Picture it, right? An 888 beaming through the skitter-skatter of the mind's eye. Triples, see? Triples in the cosmos, like a kaleidoscope gone mad. Whoo! Eight, infinity stood tall! A loop, a snake eatin' its own tail, ouroboros-like, but straight as an arrow, man! Now triple that! Cosmic giggles, its a ride, a mad, wild ride! See, 888, it's a signal from the ether, man. Telling you you're on the money, like gold, pure, infinite, you know? Glowing like a starburst candy on a summer sidewalk. Beaming! Bouncing off the walls of the cosmos!
But hey, hold up! 888, man. It's about the balance too, right? Three spheres in a line, like pearls on a necklace of reality. An infinity mirrored in threes. 888 telling you, ”Hold on, Jack! It ain't a free lunch!” You've gotta give to get, gotta balance the scales. Infinite abundance? Sure, but what you puttin' out, man? What you puttin' out into the cosmic jukebox? See, the world's a mirror, all echoing back. Be the change, they say. 888, it's a cosmic tap on the shoulder. Be the echo. Be the light, and let it bounce right back to you, all infinite and golden. Just like 888. Can you dig it, man